Review of Step by Step

Step by Step (1991–1998)
It was a good show!
8 November 2000
I likes Step By Step, even before Rich Halke (Jason Marsden) was in it :) *grin* Has anyone else noticed that Rich Halke was the name of one of the Story editors in the first 4 seasons? I thought that was pretty cool myself! Okay, so it borrowed from every other show imaginable, but so do all Sitcoms, sheesh! It's a shame it was stopped, i personally would have preferred at least 1 more season, but i did understand that they couldn't really continue it, with the kids being all of collage age(and one of them miraculously disappeared), except of course Lily who went from being a baby one season to a 4 yr old the next. Oh, and don't forget the absence of Cody! If it's in syndication, watch it, it's funny and light and you'll be cheered up!
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