Sadistic thriller
16 May 2004
Well, maybe not quite, but certainly sinister, maccabre, black: down in the lower suburbs of Bilbao, the streets are teeming.

American-styled gutsy cop-thriller, but with that touch which tells you it is Spanish, or even more touch which tells you it is Basque, not forgetting that half the film had Italians working on it, `Todo por la Pasta' might have been something else if it had tried, which it did not, so it is what it is: a rather devilish insight into some rather sinister people doing rather nasty things to get their grubby maulers on a few millions ill-gotten from a bank.

All right for those who like this kind of heavy-handed cop and criminal story which has already been told hundreds of different ways before. The playing is, as expected, pretty good, even Resines is not bad. But it is not a film I would stay up to watch again.
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