Review of Soultaker

Soultaker (1990)
It's no Red Zone Cuba!
1 June 2002
Ok, I just had to say a few words here. Yes, I'll disclaim myself as a HUGE MST3K fan....HOWEVER....I am also a sincere student of fine films. With that said, I'd like to address the previous comments regarding City of Angels "ripping-off" Soultaker. City of Angels is a REMAKE of Wim Wenders' WINGS OF DESIRE. It was made in 1987. Three years prior to Soultaker. essence, Soultaker could be said to be "ripping off" WINGS OF DESIRE. But, in truth, it is not a rip off, it is merely a shadow (no pun intended) of many movies that deal with the subject of the afterlife.

Now, on to the meat of things. No, this is NOT the worst movie ever made. That title goes, without reservation, to Red Zone Cuba. Cut, or uncut, it is still Hollywood's biggest embarrassment. However, as it stands, Soultaker is not the BEST movie ever made, slashed for MST3K, or not.

But, come on people (and you know who you are). ANY movie, good, mediocre, bad or horrendous is fair game for movie critics and at-home MSTies everywhere. Who hasn't, after the 98th showing, ripped a little on Star Wars? Even Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind, and Casablanca have been spoofed! Humor can be seen in ANY film (yes, even APOCALYPSE NOW is not exempt to a few quiet, open-for-comment, moments.)

Honestly, Soultaker is not that bad. Not good, but not that bad. The acting is decent, the story flows, and I have to admit that I actually paid more attention to the story than I did to the bots. I know, I know, that's treason in MST-land, and my head could be in danger of being lopped off at any moment (or at least jettisoned into space).

Let's all just admit that bad and mediocre movies just add to the tapestry of filmmaking and that they are ALL fair game to a little criticism at worst, and a little humor, at best.
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