Pretty Woman (1990)
Originally posted by Darkfalz
22 March 2003
---------------------------------------begin quote Date: 15 March 2002 Summary: Abominable and far from romantic

So many people fail to see the true meaning of this film. It's not a comedy, or a romance, or a romantic comedy. It's a statement on the unfortunate fact women's love can be bought, and sometimes that's the only (or best) way to get it.

Julia Roberts starts off in this movie as a prostitute, and she ends up as... a prostitute. The only difference is she found someone rich and handsome enough to pay for her love, rather than just sex.

It's no surprise that on the voting scales, women consistently voted this higher than men. Men know the Richard Gere character deserves someone far better than some lowlife hooker, even if she is the overrated (I happen to think she's ugly) Julia Roberts.

But with women, it's the whole fairy tale they all desperately want to believe, that no matter how little they have to offer, no matter how low their standing in life, that their Prince Charming, their Mr. Perfect, their Knight in Shining Armour, or as in this movie, their Handsome Millionaire is waiting to sweep them off their feet.

Many women die lonely and bitter because of the myth this movie and others like it helps to perpetuate. But considering what they are expecting, it's hard to feel sorry for them... since they would have rejected and broken the hearts of many good, decent men while waiting for their dream.

I only wish I could vote 0 for this utterly vile piece of filth.

---------------------------------------end quote

All this is true, and despite it I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face. Like the man says, this is the genius of Hollywood, making the impossible seem posible. As Hollywood movies go, I rate this as high as Terminator 2, and that's no small feat. See you ...
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