Yes, it's a mess, but I do like watching it on occasion.
24 February 2003
Okay, okay, it's a mess, but it makes me feel good and I like watching it, okay? ;)

It's not bias, you understand: I am willing to admit that it's just as muddled as anyone else. And it took at least three viewings for me to understand what it was attempting to say. But I finally got the basic idea, and somehow it comforts me.

I'll try to explain since so many have grown confused by it in hopes of helping understanding.

The basic plot: Prince and Morris Day are co-owners of a club called Glam Slam. Prince represents good with flaws, Morris Day represents evil with potential good. It's a battle of good vs. evil for Glam Slam. Prince at first attempts to win with a wildly sexual song (after quite a few wildly sexual songs), but fails to do any good. But finally, he realizes that love and God's grace is the real way and wins with a heartfelt spiritual ballad called "Still Would Stand All Time". And he embraces Morris Day, who realizes the error of his ways, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Seriously, that's the basic idea. It's botched in its attempt, but that's what Prince was attempting to do: make a musical pop parable. And somehow, even with all its muddled attempts, the movie makes me smile and feel good about myself, the world and life in general. So to that end, I'm pleased to own it.

It's a mess and easily the weakest of the movies Prince made, and I don't watch it as much as his other ones by a long shot, but its good intentions and cheerful tone somehow entertain me. So hey, I like it, and I can think of a lot of other crummy films out there which I would diss any day to watch this instead.
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