An accurate look inside the mind of a schizophrenic serial killer!
20 February 2000
I have seen a multitude of films of the serial killer genre, but never have I had the privilege of viewing these very sick persons from the inside out. Before watching "The Disturbance", I was under the assumption that all serial killers were evil, but since viewing this film, I am able to empathize with their distorted perspective. "The Disturbance" is the first film I have seen that allows you to truly enter the mind of these out of control killers, allowing me to better understand why they do what they do, and through a better, more scientific understanding, I feel better prepared to shoulder my part of the responsibility. Most of these killers are very sick people whom suffer from severe forms of mental illness, such as schizophrenia. In January, 2000, the Surgeon General of the United States issued a 473 page report on the Mentally Ill in America, stating that one out of every five Americans suffers from severe mental illness. This was very shocking news indeed, making it even more important to see "The Disturbance" The film also portrays many of the warning signs that lead up to these mentally ill persons to explode and further exemplifies how society shrugs its head and turns its back on these poor souls until they or one of their loved ones becomes the next victim. We have seen an epidemic of teen violence as well as incident after incident of this uncontrolled rage, culminating in many innocent victims suffering the consequences. This film is a must see for anyone who values their life as well as the safety of their family and friends, in that it is a wake up call to pay attention of your surroundings and presents a solid foundation in which to take the appropriate action in the event of a close encounter with the likes of the next Manson, Berkowitz, Dahmner, Weston, Ramirez, Gacy and Bundy. Oh yes, I almost forgot, "The Disturbance" is based on a true story, of one serial killer that still remains at large...for all you know it could be your nice next door neighbor or you child's teacher. Watch the film and get a real education, I certainly did...not to mention adding additional home security just in case....?
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