An enjoyable murder mystery
20 November 1999
Not one of the strongest of the Columbo movies, but still pretty entertaining. There seem to be some echoes of "Compulsion"(1959) in the plot conceit of two college boy murderers who start insinuating themselves into the police investigation of the killing of their law professor, both to divert attention from themselves and to keep abreast of how much the police are finding out. But in this case, they are up against a much wilier opponent in Lt. Columbo, and their excessive self-confidence and politely suppressed scorn for the rumpled detective eventually lead them into a trap. Despite the fact that the murder plot hinges a little too much on fancy technology to be really plausible (could anyone really work out such a complicated conspiracy, requiring careful timing and gadgetry in just 24 hours?) it is still enjoyable to watch Columbo play the buffoon, lulling the culprits into complacency, and then proceed to wipe the smirks off their faces in the final revelation scene.
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