Review of Law & Order

Law & Order (1990– )
Cast changes
17 January 1999
I loved Chris Noth and feel he is sorely missed. There was just something about the way his character was developed that I miss him now that he's gone. I would love to see more of Mike Logan. How about exiling Lenny with Mike and starting a new series?

I'm not particularly thrilled with Abbie, she's not that good of an actress in my opinion and doesn't add any real spark to the show. Her character usually seems to be in a bad mood and is angry with little motivation. I liked Robinette and Kincaid, at least they weren't wooden characters and I cared about them. Jamie got on my nerves after a while.

I miss Moriarty, but Waterson is pretty good. I enjoyed him in "I'll Fly Away," and his character seems to have been pretty much moved into the 90's successfully.
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