Get a Life (1990–1992)
3 September 2002
This is, without a doubt, the funniest show I have ever seen on TV. The episodes are like a cartoon; anything can happen and it is not bound by normal rules. The results are definitely laugh-out-loud funny. Get the DVD!! It only has four episodes but they are great no matter how many times I watch them. I wish that all the episodes were available for purchase. About two years ago USA reran the entire series. I TiVo'd a bunch but then my TiVo was a very sad day indeed. My favorite episode is when Chris finds a dead rat in his milk carton and decides to become a food inspector. He gets sucked into the corrupt world of bribes and $5 perks. Eventually he is caught and has to testify before a senate sub-committee. "Sub-committee? Whats that? One of those things where a bunch of guys sit around eating those long sandwiches?" Then he laughs like an idiot. Classic!
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