Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000)
Should have ended in 1997
13 July 2003
This was my favorite show during my teen years. I think it's a great time capsule of the early and mid 1990's. Though I think the series should have ended in 1997 when the characters were supposed to graduate college. A nice 7 year run from 1990 to 1997 would have had the show leaving on a high note.

90210 already lost a lot of popularity by '97 anyway, and most of the primary audience were moving on or had moved on. Unfortunately 90210 dragged on for 3 more wretched years and lasted until 2000, where it was well past it's prime and getting beat up on by newer teen shows like Dawsons Creek and Felicity. This was a teen show/youth series that should have been about characters that were never older then age 21. When the characters became adults in every sense and even graduated college, it lost some of it's mystique. The series stayed on the air in the Late 90's and 2000, and became a ridiculous soap opera about 20 somethings.
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