The weirdest and crappiest movie I´ve seen in my life
25 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie by accident from old vhs tape. I think everybody should watch this movie and they would get new perspective "what is a bad movie" The story makes no sense. There is no charecter development. We dont even know who the hell is our leading female hero. We dont know a sh*t about the. (WARNING: SOME MINOR SPOILERS) We just know that the bad guys are cocaine dealers and believe they have a lot of cocaine. ´Gangs leader is huge skinhead look alike guy who executes people with SM type unicorn device on head, very strange!!! So they want to kill her for trespassing in their turf. But all the crap comes when she starts killing them with the whip, axes, and using other sharp objects ( and booby traps) She is dressed up like amazon woman. She just turns from the victim to killer in a second, thats very strange. She kills chinese guy by throwing spikes in his eyes, so you pretty well know what kind a movie is this. I liked independent film feeling in this but it isnit much. This movie is hilarious and that is the strenght of the movie. Watch it and laugh at it!
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