The worst Indy.
2 November 2000
People are going to hate me for saying this! I don't think "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" is a bad movie. Not by a long shot! I love this movie! I give it 9/10! I just think of the Indy's it has the least impact. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" had a sense of magic and mystery to it, something that enabled this bizarre dimension to take hold of the audience's imagination. It also was a masterpiece of cunning subtext and pure action. "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" was just as inventive, just as entertaining as the original, just a little more over-the-top. "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" feels more mature and grown up.

This is a good thing, I think. It makes sense for a movie like this to be more mature when it is dealing with more mature issues. The unknown is the theme of the other movies. This movie deals with family matters more than anything. That's what adds to the new kind of entertainment this film evokes. This is the original bit. The rest is like a collection of newspaper clippings.

Oh, sorry, there's something else that's original! The introduction with young Indy is also original!! I thought River Phoenix was superb. The most elaborate part of the movie!

And as for the rest of the movie...

The movie is really not as colourful as the other movies. You see the punches hitting people, you see the bullets going through the Nazis' chests. In the others, you could see a definite 10cm distance between the fist and the face. No matter! There are some hair-raising moments.

I haven't got an awful lot to say about this one. I think there's a lot to like about it. Just don't expect anything spectacularly different from this and the other movies.
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