The Simpsons (1989– )
WAS The Best Series I Ever Watched
4 October 2000
From the time I was in first grade when I first fell love with the weirdly animated characters with yellow skin to today, I feel honored in sharing with millions of viewers worldwide the animated television dynasty known as "The Simpsons." I will always treasure the cerebral, whip-smart jokes, the skillfully designed story lines, the unforgettable, well-rounded characters, and most of all, the heart and warmth of the show that made me have no choice but to adopt the show as my second family.

All of that has changed, nowadays. In its gut-wrenchingly asinine attempt to reinvent itself with pop-culture's love affair with vulgar, tasteless comedies like "Family Guy" and "American Pie", "The Simpsons" replaced witty, mature jokes that were well thought out with brain-numbing banality and misappropriated potty-humor that wouldn't even appeal to middle-schoolers. The only reason I even bother watching a show is that I hope to view a diamond in the rough, but to date my prospectings has not wielded even pyrite. What really ticks me off are the neophyte critics who hails peaens for the show but refer to episodes in the earlier seasons as their favorites. I'd gather them around and make them watch recent episodes like the one where Maude dies and her death is callously handled by the producers and hear how they think of their "favorite show" now.

Don't get me wrong, The Simpson's is still one of the best shows that ever aired. It is just in danger of being overtaken by the less-than-mediocre episodes of the recent seasons if the producers don't get their acts together. (**** out of four stars for first 7 seasons, * out of four stars for last four seasons)
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