Tainted (1987)
* * out of 4.
26 May 2002
Cathy (Shari Shuttuck-in a better then usual performance) seems to have it all- a terrific home, a loving husband, and a great job. All of that comes crashing down however when a rapist (Blake Flower) breaks into her home and tries to rape Cathy. Her husband arrives in just the nick of time to save her, but her husband shocked by what has gone on has a heart attack shortly afterward. Fearing nobody will ever believe her, Cathy tries to cover up the deaths. However, she runs into trouble when her greedy sister-in-law Marion (Park Overall) shows up and starts asking a whole lot of questions.

Better then you would think, this manages to keep you entertained and excited from start to finsih. The film fully develops its premise and features some rather sexy moments featuring Shari Shuttuck, and the final twist at the end of the film is rather neat too. However the ant sized budget keeps this from being the film it could of been. What a shame that is too.......

Rated R; Violence, Rape, Sexual Situations, Nudity, Profanity, Adult Themes.
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