a complete bomb ...
19 March 2002
I agree with most of the other people posting on this site that the movie was horrible. If there has ever been a film that has been defaming/disparaging to Italian-Americans this is it, not to mention just about every other ethnic group depicted in the movie. One of the main reasons for this is because the story is crude, obnoxious, and in bad context, there's maybe just one funny moment where a group of young boys are asked if they know the Italian alphabet, the rest of it is just crash and burn.

It's actually strange that although Italian-American activists that have complained about "The Godfather" and other similar films most of which were considered monumentally well made and won academy awards (oscars)(with the exception of Disneys' "Mafia") didn't complain about "Spike of Bensonhurst". This may very well be because it is was much lesser known film that hadn't received much attention.
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