Shoot to Kill (1988)
Exciting only when Berenger enters the picture
31 August 2001
I watched this film not too long after viewing Tom Berenger's Last of the Dogmen. He fits nicely into these outdoorsy-type movies. Anyway, the beginning of Shoot to Kill is all violence, intrigue & Sidney (Poitier) & the city. He's after a killer/thief with no conscience. Sidney ends up chasing him thru the mountains in all kinds of weather while the killer picks off some hikers one-by-one. Kirstie Alley is the guide, Tom Berenger is her boyfriend. (Why he'd allow her to guide 5 men out into the wilderness alone is sheer stupidity!) The film only becomes exciting when Berenger rushes out of that gorgeous cabin expecting to go find Kirstie on his own. He & Sidney don't get along till they bring down the killer at the very end after sooooooo much traveling thru soooooo much different types of terrain!

I'd recommend this one. Beautiful scenery once again in a Berenger film.

Point to Ponder: In the scene where Berenger goes for the basket on the 'high wire', why doesn't he ever go back for it after he falls off the wire & slams into the cliff-face? It seems he just abandons the whole idea & we never find out why? Since the large stick preventing the basket from sliding back to where the two men are at falls away, wouldn't it then be easier to just pull it towards them?
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