The most beautiful elegy to all innocent victims of all wars
26 November 2002
A most unusual blend of beauty, and sadness, to display the cruel consequences of war. Slowly and steadily, as if in slow motion, we are slapped in the face with the miserable reality of the main characters, devastating and cruel reality, shown so simply and so powerfully from the very first to the very last second of the movie. Some parts literally smash your heart to sorrow. Graphically speaking the movie displays such a breathtaking look. Not just the sceneries and overall style, even minor details like the leaves and debris flying across the scenery in several shots truly resemble the paintings of Hokusai or Hiroshigue (which I happen to be very fond of). The artistic value of the visuals works perfectly in service of the powerful emotional substance explored in this movie, the combination is just perfect. There are several moments that I personally find truly poetic and most sublime in Grave of the fireflies. Forget whether you hate or enjoy war movies, or whether you like or dislike animated or manga movies. Grave of the Fireflies really stands far beyond any preconceptions you might have for these categories.
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