Where is the fun?
4 February 2002
So, I think I may have laughed once. Maybe twice. But it wasn't really because the movie was funny. It was just really bad. The first one was great. Tim Burton with his great style made it work. The second lacked Tim Burton, lacked Warner Bros., and poor Danny Elfman couldn't even use his original themes from the first one, so even that was changed a little. No longer is Pee-wee in small time suburbia, but in the hickville farmland with a talking pig (??) which isn't funny, and a symbolic hot dog tree that speaks metaphorically to give us some sort of hidden meaning about life. The movie was terrible having no semblance to the first. Even Paul Reubens struggles to keep the PeeWee voice in some areas often allowing Paul to take over. It really is a dissappointment. Glad I didn't pay to rent it. Don't look for this one on DVD anytme soon. And if you do find it, burn it so we can forget about it. Cover it up like a scandal...hmm...there's an idea...
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