Good show with poor social results
11 December 2000
I have very mixed feelings about this show. It was very very funny when Joel was the host, but towards the end it degenerated into less entertaining than most of the films would be by themselves. Still this is a pretty good concept, and I think that part of the problem that came up with the later episodes was choosing films which wouldn't be worth watching to begin with. I. e. I might independently watch some of the films sampled, and yes I'd make fun of them but their flaws would be mixed in with enough substance to be endearing, but I would never bother taking the time to watch Hobgoblins and there isn't even any sport in making fun of it.

So good concept, but it degraded from inside over time.

The reason that I have mixed feelings about this show is that I think many of the fans cannot accept that a film can be good and still good material for jokes. From reading reviews of movies which have been MST3Ked, it appears that the ratings and comments on these films are determined mainly by the fact that 'Oh that was on MST3K, so it must be utter worthless crap.' On the one hand most of these films are lucky to be getting air time at all, but on the other they seem to be getting a shallow unthoughtful audience.

I don't recommend this show, except that watching it a few times will give you a pretty good idea of what the show is, and the show has been an influence on how the public views B-movies. Keep in mind that the true spirit of MST3K comes with staying up until the really bad movies come on at 3 in the morning, and making fun of them.
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