Good Rutger Film!
18 July 2004
Rutger's the MAN! I found this film at Best Buy about 4 or 5 months after September 11th, and it just hit the spot! I had never heard of the movie but being a Rutger fan I usually will spend the money to add his films to my ever growing collection. Sometimes he's the only thing that adds to the life of some very dreary films and he's in a bunch of them. The '80's however seems to have been his decade and this film is a pretty good outing for him.

It is in the B-Movie range, for sure, but it works well. Gene Simmons plays a great villain. The action and pacing of the film works well, and frankly the subject matter couldn't be more up-to-date.

I wish they were making more movies like this today where the terrorists get what they deserve and the audience can enjoy the pay back and feel like they are participating in the action.

The very end of the film is great and it certainly is a statement that works even better today. I think most people would feel the same way as Rutger does at the end of this movie and want to do the same thing. I certainly did!

For fans of action and/or Rutger hunt this movie down!
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