Confusing, but thought provoking indeed!
14 March 2000
I've watched this film over and over again, and I'm still finding new things that I didn't notice before. I have to admit, the first time I watched this film, I thought it was awful. It appeared to have little plot, bad acting, and only the superb performance of Lorraine Mills convinced me to watch it again. On watching it a second time, the message of the film suddenly hit me, and at that moment made a lot more sense. I noticed subtle hints towards upcoming events comparable to Shakespeare (esp. Macbeth), and twists in the main character's mental well being created an interesting insight in to the things that can cause a woman to go insane. I'd go in to more detail, but I'll spoil the brilliant (if confusing) plot, although the film really has to be seen to be understood. See it, but remember it is VERY hard to understand fist time round.
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