Mindless, uninvolving, amateur garbage.
18 April 1999
I like horror movies. I've seen a lot of them in my time, and House II has to be one of the worst attempts at the genre I have ever seen. The first film was weak enough, but to top it with this splattering of childish and irrelevent plot, characters and emotions, not to mention the rather stupid special effects, I found myself wondering why I had even bothered.

I remember when it first came out how the kids in my class at school were so excited by it. I never saw it then, but I can see how the average 11 year old of the time would find it funny. But for me, a seasoned horror buff, there was nothing even vaguely amusing, gorey, or even mildly violent about the film as a merit.

They call it Horror/comedy...is this just a way of excusing its lack of merit in the horror or comedy genres?

The only saving grace in the film was that the stunts were performed by Kane Hodder, who played 'Jason' in several of the "Friday the 13th" films, but even that is just a point of interest rather than an extra star to the film.

Boring, Bloodless, Unfunny. Don't even remotely consider it, even if you have a "get one free" voucher at your video store.
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