Same As The Old Generation
12 June 2002
Unlike many contributors to this site,i can remember the original Star Trek which i watched [age 7] when it first came out. At that time the only other Sci Fi on TV was "The Invaders" which i loved, and which i still enjoy 30 years later. I didn"t hate Trek but neither did i love it - it was way too camp with limp jokes weak stories and an odd kind of homo-erotic thing going on between Kirk and Spock. However i tuned into an old episode of "TNG" called "Royale" tonight and found that nothing had changed! They beam three of the most important people on the Enterprise down to a possibly hostile alien environment,the three are held there and after a few amusing adventures are returned to the ship in time for a joke with the captain. They have learned nothing [and neither have we] and next week it will all happen again.Its comfortable like an old pair of shoes and totally unchallenging, like every show before it.
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