True Stories (1986)
Rather dull Stories
15 January 2002
Knowing Byrne's penchant for weirdness laced with genius and having recently reconsidered my opinion of this iconic 80's group (thanks to Trey A. and the boys - thanks for opening my eyes fellas), I decided to check this out. At first I was heartened as Byrne's intro promised a Waiting for Guffman - like experience. Now let me pause and say that the mockumentary - especially when penned by Christopher Guest - may be my favorite new genre. But True Stories did not live up. It just meanders and finally peters out. I don't need a grand coincidental climax, or even deep characters - I currently find myself fascinated with 50's giant monster films. But I need something more than this windsock of a film offered - some subtle shade of meaning. This just sort of died three-quarters of the way through. As well, the lack of funky, full-on Heads music was disappointing - sure you have Wild Wild Life, and the song the preacher raps to is nice - but I hoped for more. See it if you haven't - it keeps you awake - but in my opinion, this film needed to be thought through just a tiny bit more before going to production.
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