Labyrinth (1986)
Name ONE film more entertaining that this...
2 July 2002
I LOVE LABYRINTH. I LOVE LABYRINTH. I LOVE LABYRINTH. If I say it enough times everyone who reads this will too :P

There are some in this world who hate this movie. I know of one person myself, who feels the only good thing about it is David Bowie with a mullet.

Then there are those, like me, and most people I know, who see it as a high point in cinema. Now I'm not a 'Star Wars' fan, in fact I only watch the original for Peter Cushing, and I only want to see the latest for Christopher Lee. But George Lucas DID make 'Howard The Duck', which can only be a good thing. Jim Henson is a god - that was already universally known before I started this. Terry Jones is a god also - hey, he's a Python! David Bowie is also one of my favourite musicians, who, despite comments to the contrary, has proved he can act in films such as 'The Man Who Fell To Earth', 'Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence', 'The Linguini Incident' and of course 'Labyrinth'.

Jennifer Connolly puts in an early performance of merit sixteen years before her Oscar win, and Bowie is fantastic and, as many members of the opposite sex have told me, very sexy as Jareth. Then there are the others. They a re not muppets, they are not animatronic creatures - as far as I'm concerned they are alive. They may as well be as they are so lifelike it's unbelievable. Hoggle, Ludo, The Worm, The Fieries, and especially Sir Didymus (hee hee :) hee hee) are all wonderful creatures you'd love to meet, and I'm not just speaking for myself when I say how great it would be to have a house full of goblins ala Jareth's Castle.

The imagery is wonderful, the script first rate, the acting from the leads and the puppeteers superb. The music is the best Bowie made between 'Scary Monsters' in 1981 and '1. Outside' in 1995. There is nothing wrong with this film whatsoever. When I watched 'The Godfather' I thought "Yeah - a good movie, a great movie" but I wasn't enthralled by it - it didn't make me feel uplifted. "Labyrinth" does. In a world when films like 'Titanic' and 'Gone With The Wind' are applauded for their extravagances, 'Labyrinth' is a breath of fresh air. It is not stale like most 80's movies today, and it leaves me with a feeling of pure enjoyment and happiness every time I watch it - which is at least once a month by the way...
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