Review of Crawlspace

Crawlspace (1986)
Kinky Kinski
28 August 2002
This must be the ultimate Kinski movie, It´s brutal, amazingly well played by Kinski, who is Karl Gunter, he appreciate the nazi methods in ethnical clean-up,but he thinks he´s better than the nazis´, becuase he won´t let anyone survive, this guy is gorgeously sick, must be the sickest potrayal ever, when i´t comes to the depiction of serial killers. It´s very faced paced and dosn´t have any boring moments, David Schmoellers direction is super, to bad he hasn´t directed any other great movies like this one. The movie´s only minus is the feature length,which only runs for about 80 mins.

I gave it 10 out of 10
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