The NSNA of the official series
13 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers

"A View To A Kill" was not intended to be the end of Roger Moore's career as 007. While he enjoyed the part, he had been thinking ever since "For Your Eyes Only" that he was looking too old for the part and that if he continued romancing young women at the age of 60, then the series would become quite perverted and dirty. Finally, he agreed to do one final James Bond film, "A View To A Kill," establishing the record of playing James Bond seven times. But unfortunately, he has a lousy farewell. This film is the "Never Say Never Again" of the official series; IT STINKS ON ICE!! BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This film is a complete disaster, with it's only redeeming qualities being Moore, Patrick Macnee as the ill-fated "chauffer," , the villains, and General Gogol's reappearance. Other than that, everything about this film stinks. Bond's women in this film are a femme fatal as they are called and a blonde. The femme fatal is interesting; she's the Xenia Onatopp of Moore's films, but the short hair and too much make-up make her look horrible. The other; ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC! All Stacey does is scream, plead for help, and bumble her way through everything, making it worse. The actress is good, but nobody could EVER bring anything interesting to this character! The M, Q, and Moneypenny scenes are horribally written. So far, Robert Brown, while a good actor, fails to even compare with Bernard Lee. Moneypenny looks ancient and although I love Lois Maxwell in the part, I must say I'm glad they let her go after this. Her scenes with Roger Moore were never as good as they were with Connery or Lazenby. As for Q, after his great, deserved role in "Octopussy," he makes two cameos at the beginning and end of the film. That was alright in OHMSS; that was a down-to-Earth Bond with no gadgets, but this film is LOADED with RIDICULOUS gadgets, so Q should've had a bigger part. The film seems like a horrible re-make of "Goldfinger" and I can't WAIT to get "The Living Daylights" and see a (hopefully) better Bond! I give this one a 1 out of 10, it's single saving grace the points I names at the top.

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