Death Wish 3 (1985)
Even worse than the first time i saw it..
24 May 2002
I just saw this again and i couldnt help but write another review for it. THIS FILM IS TERRIBLE, but entertaining.I'd like to list some of the problems that i have with this film.

~Charlie kills 75+ people, about 2 people he killed actually deserved to die.The rest were bad but that doesnt mean that he had to kill them!

~Charlies friend carrying a pipe that fired shotgun shells!?

~British people doing really bad American accents

~The part after Charlie kills "The Giggler" There were lines like "They killed the Giggler man" "He had no buissness doing that, none at all"

~Charlie kills the Bad guy by blowing him up with a rocket launcher. The problem i have with this is that 1, Charlie was about 5 feet away from him and 2 Charlies friend the cop was about 2 feet away.Both survived without a scratch.

~The Part when Charlie runs straight at some punks and the punks shoot him about 10 times but hes wearing a bullet proof vest, so he survives and kills them.He then runs at some other punks and bends down putting his hands and arms infront of his vest thus making his bullet proof vest useless,but again they shoot him and he survives.

~People sitting about doing nothing, just staring even when people are getting killed all around them

~People dancing over the dead bodies and saying things like "Praise the lord!!"

~Charlie wobbling about because he cant run

~Charlie ordering a Magnum and a rocket launcher through the mail
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