Review of Sheena

Sheena (1984)
A really crap movie, but worth watching for laughs.
25 December 2002
I'm betting the casting of Tanya Roberts in this movie was primarily dome because someone said "We need a chick that looks good in leather and who has worked with animals" and someone else said "How about that girl from that movie about some animal master a couple of years ago?" Apart from being dire in the extreme, this movie has a similar plot to Beastmaster. A hero who can control animals, for a start. Not to mention animals painted to look like other animals.

Clearly, acting ability was not a consideration here. Tanya Roberts has all the acting ability of wet cement. But she looks the part.

This movie is really pretty lame, with horses painted to look like zebras, helicopters putting out fuel fires with their rotors and the killer flamingos and so on.

I was particularly struck with how clean and pretty Sheena always looked. I know, it's based on a cartoon etc. but still, after that long in the wilds without a razor you'd expect her to have some armpit hair, right? And just how did she get her eyebrows so nicely plucked? I know, I'm being picky. But stuff like this bugs me.

Anyhoo, the killer flamingos are THE star scene of the movie. They basically attack a helicopter in flight. But the FX are so dire you end up laughing through the whole thing. Between the obvious blue-screen and the truly muppet-like flamingo puppets, your biggest fear will be trying to breathe through the laughter to the end of the scene.

A really crap movie, but worth watching for laughs (and there are plenty).
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