Review of Red Dawn

Red Dawn (1984)
Great war film...
11 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Imagine yourself. You're in high school. You're in social studies class; taking notes. You see parachutes coming from the sky. Your teacher goes out to see if they landed off target. "Boom." Your teacher's dead. Gun shots are being fired directly into your class. You just see one of your friends shot to death. For what purpose? Who are these people? You were just in class; learning, laughing, and talking. Now there's a race to the door. Some of the older brothers/sisters and parents in this small town are already at the school to pick up their loved ones. Where to go?

Your homes are invaded by Soviets just like Nazi's invaded the homes of Jews in World War II. This is World War III. You get together some guns from one of your friend's father's. You gather up in the mountains; you watch the Soviets put your parents and your loved ones in concentration camps to die.

A group of high school football players, with the knowledge of many guns due to hunting, choose to fight for their home, freedom, and family against all odds instead of fleeing to safer territory. The only question is, can they all stay alive long enough to take care of it? This movie is the greatest patriotic anti-war movie ever to be made. It shows you how people can deal with loss, cope with death, and try to keep one another alive.

This is Charlie Sheen's war film. This movie was made 2 years before Platoon, and Sheen puts just as good a performance in "Red Dawn" as he did in "Platoon." Adding Patrick Swayze doesn't hurt either.

Watch this film and see how you can unite with people you never dreamed of uniting with. Fight for your freedom when the time is right. Save all around. Do what you have to do. -Pat

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