Review of Monster Dog

Monster Dog (1984)
Bad boring horror and Cooper's voice is dubbed!!
15 September 2002
Why oh why did they dub over Alice Cooper's voice? I won't ever understand this. MONSTER DOG, taken into the right hands, could've been a pretty nifty werewolf flick. Instead, a hack talent directed this no-budget sloppy mess and the results can cure insomnia. Cooper plays a pop arist, who, along with a few friends travel back to his hometown to shoot a new music video. Just so happens the town's been overtaken by mad killer dogs (!) Where did these dogs come from? Why only recently are they on the rampage? Oh well. A forgivable flaw. I mean as long as the movie is entertaining, who cares? Right? Shoot, unfortunately it's a complete gab-fest. Nothing really happens until about an hour into the flick and then, when something does finally happen it isn't anything to write home about. The "special fx" are laughable at best, with quick shots of the werewolf (presumably to hide how amateurish looking it is. There's even a transformation sequence! AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON this ain't!) Gore is sparse, although I must say there was a rather graphic, realistic looking bite wound done to Cooper's shoulder that was mighty impressive looking. But, then I think about that ultra-fake shotgun-blast-to-the-head and suddenly realize the aforementioned effect was a total fluke. Characters are whiny and abnormally dumb. One girl walks off into the countryside for no apparent reason, despite the fact that she is fully aware of the mad dog warning. Best scene: Dream sequence where a woman is tormented by an old man caked in blood. She locks herself in a room where he relentlessly pounds on the door moaning to let him in. Eerie stuff. Otherwise, MONSTER DOG is hazily shot, blandly directed, featuring awful pop songs by Cooper himself, a boring music score and ATROCIOUS dubbing! Avoid!!
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