Hundra (1983)
Brilliant Music, Brilliant (apart from one bit) Ending
12 November 2000
Anyone who knows me knows that I am the die-hard fan of sword and sorcery (Or sword and sandels) movies. But more often (Far more often) than not I am dissapointed (dismally) by the films I watch. However there have been a few truly exceptional ones which keep my faith strong and Hundra is undoubtedly one of them. The plot is a pretty simple one. Hundra is part of a women only tribe. Her whole tribe gets wiped out and she is sent on a mission to have a child so that her tribe might continue to survive. She personally is out for revenge on the men who wiped out her fellow sisters. That is pretty much the gist of the plot and Im not going to give away anymore.

The Film itself is quite good with some very campy bits a couple of pretty questionable moments. And two truly great sequences that make the whole film worthwhile. The first is the one where Hundra's tribe is attacked, and the second is the ending which might possibly go down as one of the best heroic endings of all time. The images are great, the effects great and Ennio Morricones music score is a stirring operatic piece that makes everything seem of epic importance (But its really not).

In Summary Fans of Fantasy Movies Rejoice. Because Hundra is one of the best fighting films ever. And when that ending comes on just sit back and enjoy.
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