This is The World, and youze beez alien
9 November 1999
So aliens can be black and illegal. Some can regrow toes and fix computer games by passing their hands over them.

This is really a movie about illegal aliens controversy in the USA, Brothers that can't understand bro-speak and the assumptions this society makes about who people are by the way they look. As someone who grew up in a furrin country but can fake being a Merkin, I've always gotten a kick out of such presumptions. I highly recommend this movie to any furrners confused about the attitudes of certain Merkins. To fully appreciate this movie you have to know that among US soldiers stationed overseas, the US is "The World" and anything outside it's borders is another planet that may or may not exist in reality. So when a Merkin calls a furrner "alien" they really do think of them as something akin to the visitors at Roswell.

Great Ahnold "Ahhl be bahk" reference by the alien bounty hunters in the trench coats.

One of my favorite movies of all time.
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