Not a film to dwell on, if you know what I mean.
2 November 1999
Ator, the so-called Blade Master in this flick, (played by leather pancake Miles O' Keefe) is called from the ends of the Earth along with his disgustingly named friend Thong by Mila, the daughter of Akronos, who has invented the geometric nucleus, an atomic bomb or something. So, they walk through the woods, fight a few cavemen and invisible people that magically completely disappear when killed, some warriors straight from THE SEVEN SAMURAI, defeat a giant snake puppet that eats little girls, puppy dog tails, and . . . oh wait a minute, where was I? Oh yes, and at the end, Ator invents a hang glider in about, oh, say, 10 MINUTES! flies to the end, beats some evil guy wearing a swan helmet, and rides off on a horse. The end.

MST3K had good reason to watch this film, but people have put more print on this page than about the movie, (besides, they cut out part of a fight scene) so let's move on. Sheesh. What a turgid piece of film. No surprise the director went on to do TROLL 2 later on in his career. Anyone who thinks that the 1983 remake of HERCULES is bad sword and sorcery ought to check this dog out. The pairing of Ator and Thong is comparable to Inspector Clouseau and Cato in the Pink Panther series. Lisa Foster as Mila is a nice looker, even if she can't act her way out of a wet paper bag. Did I mention that no one else in this film could act worth !$#%? And the goofs they mention at the end of the MST3K episode are only the tip of the iceberg: At one point, is it visible that the warriors are wearing sneakers, and in some long shot of the interior of the cave, stairs are clearly visible! Not that I'm slamming the MST3K version, it's probably the only way some can stand to see it. Oh, and if you *liked* this, watch the prequel, ATOR, THE FIGHTING EAGLE, or the sequel, QUEST FOR THE MIGHTY SWORD. Still, it is a sight better than the other film FVI got ahold of, POD PEOPLE.
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