It's Your Move (1984–1985)
A fun show that was doomed from the start.
3 October 2002
This show could have lasted a little longer, only if the producers made an annoucement before each episode aired saying. "What you see in this show is just for pure laughs, and never to be copied in real life". But because they did'nt the show got cancelled quickly. A very funny show, nothing like The Cosby Show, Family Ties, and Growing Pains. The star of the show was Jason Bateman playing Matthew Burton, a cool fourteen year old, living with his clueless mother(Caren Kaye) and selfish sister(Tricia Cast). Matthew was quite a scheamer, and felt he could get away with anything. That all changes when his mom starts dating Norman Lamb(David Garrison) a strugling writer. Matthew does'nt like him, and tries to think up a scheam to get rid of him. But he's in for a big surprise, when Norman proves he's just a bigger scheamer then him. Jason Bateman and David Garrison both had comic chemistry. But there charm could'nt save the show. Because the producers where afraid that kids would start copying Matthew's antics. Like some of those family shows when the kids try to pull a fast one, but they always get caught in the end. But this show was cool, because Matthew rarely got caught, only once by his mother, only twice by Norman. The show was fun to watch and it deserved a little better, then what it got.
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