Underrated Funny Show
20 November 2001
I actually saw this sitcom when it first appeared on TV in 1984 (I must of been the only one). But since I myself was a cartoonist and fascinated by the whole process, I couldn't wait to see this show set in a cartoon studio. I remember enjoying the episodes and that Jim Carrey gave a believable, controlled performance and I was always a big fan of Jack Gilford. Needless to say, the show didn't last (wasn't really given much of a chance). The network didn't promote it at all - but it does show that Carrey can give naturalistic performances. I do admire Carrey's work, but he seems to have fallen into the Robin Williams trap - be manic and crazy at comedy - practically shouting out, "Love me, accept me" and then get all brooding and quiet when they try their dramatic turns. I'm all for actors trying to stretch their wings, but don't get angry when people don't exactly jump up, applauding and throw awards at you. (Truman Show, Man/Moon). As for Duck Factory, it is a sweet little show with good performances.
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