Hate Literature
22 February 1999
Just imagine a movie plot something like this:

In Germany, in the late 1930s, a young man enters a shop and tries to steal something. The identifiably Jewish shopkeeper apprehends him, and calls the police.

The young man turns out to be a Nazi, and later returns to the shop with a few other Nazis, whereupon they proceed to torture and kill the shopkeeper. At the subsequent trial, the defendants find overwhelming public support.

I'm sure most people will say this seems like a piece of abysmal anti-Semitic propaganda, probably turned out during the worst days of Hitler's "Reich". Yet, if you just substitute "Men" for "Jews" as the demonized group in society against whom violence is justified, you have the main thread of this film.

This film pushes the limits of what is allowable under Free Speech, and perhaps even crosses them. It is hate literature, and should be regarded as such.
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