(Second) Worst Movie I have ever seen!
16 August 2003
Get right to the movie review by skipping the first paragraph

After watching a movie like this I lose faith in humanity but after watching MST3K bad mouth movies like this I regain a little faith in humanity. This is one of the worst movies ever. This is really the second time I have watched MST3K and fully understood it. I watched it with my dad as far back as the Minneapolis year!!! But I never really understood, I mean I understood it some what but not all of the jokes. The first movie I rented was the Movie Version with "This Island Earth" which isn't really bad so I thought MST3K was an damn funny show, now I know it is one of the damn funniest shows ever! This is one of their best episodes I just know it, every time someone screams for help they go through a bunch of names always ending with: McCloud!

This movie is the worst movie I have ever seen (although I want to see 'Manos' Hands of Fate). There are three different plots, PLOT A is about a little boy and his family in the wood, PLOT B is about some singers (who sing for 7 minutes then cut back to boy then sing for another 7), finally PLOT C involve some poachers. Eventually the singers go to the little boys house and you think finally it all comes together, not really the family leave the little boys plot and hang with the singers. Anyway the director must have been the son of the inventor of the fog machine because every scene outside is foggy, not an exaggeration either. Then it switches from winter to summer a few times outside also. The little boy finds an egg and tries to hatch it and becomes friends with it and calls the creature 'Trumpy'. he feed it milk and with the magic of choppy editing the thing grows from a kitten's size to the kids size.

The second plot has the singers getting in a fight and one of them going into the forest and getting killed by Trumpy's fellow creature so they take her to a house and then they decide to go to the rangers house and tell them stuff I guess.

I'll stop here in case you are waiting to watch this movie, but the best part is when Trumpy does magic things which the guys rip to shreds.

Hi all, it's two years later and I want to say that this review is a bit out dated. First, I openly admit I focused too much on Joel and the bots. I was new to MST3K, and just wanted to talk as much as possible about them. Second, I have seen Monster a-Go Go, and that is far worse than Pod People. BTW, I didn't know you can't talk in caps anymore.
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