Summer Lovers (1982)
Summer Lovers right before Winter Reality
5 December 2001
I was in my senior year of college when I saw this picture and had bought round trip tickets to France before I had seen this. It was my intention to go to France, Italy, Germany, the Greek Isles as my "Europe" adventure before entering the "great big world" of responsibility. After seeing this picture, I cancelled my trip and wondered how movies got greenlighted. Yes, I saw this as a total "guy" light porn fantasy film...lovely locals...two women...two willing women...better yet: one blonde one familiar...lots of abandon...lots of me it equaled: lots of boredom. Now, many guys who have seen this film and are reading my little view will think.."ah, she's just saying this cause she's jealous". No, I'm reviewing this movie as the crap that it is. If it were done as a foreign film, it may have been more interesting and involving for men and women alike. Instead it looked like a film that some hollywood guy who had lotsa ties put together in hopes we would all accept what would go on in his mind as reality and sexual responsibility would play a huge role in how one chooses casual partners. Little did the folks who did this know that HIV and AIDS were bubbling and fantasy is just that...fantasy. But I have to admit the best parts of this film to me was seeing Hans van Tongeren in a short part because I loved him in "Spetters" I thought his career and notice was on the rise here in America (later I found out he died, what a tragedy!!!) and the song "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" by Chicago which turned out to be a big hit of that time since their career was ALMOST forgotten until this. Other than that, unless your a guy in his house -- alone -- with no date -- on a Saturday Night and nothing else better to do, Summer Lovers wont appeal very much to you.
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