If You Love American Pie...
24 August 2001
I saw this movie when it came out. I was 14, and thought it was basically a Porky's rip off, which in a way, I suppose it was.

Face it, there have been juvenile teen age sex comedies since the beginning of film, the only difference is how much "sex" is allowed (don't believe me? Watch some of the old 3 Stooges shorts- the ones where the boys are trying to woo the women. Same concept as Porky's, American Pie, etc., except without the bodily fluids, nudity, and language). So, clearly, even 18 or 19 years ago, The Last American Virgin was nothing new.

I've seen it again, since then, on cable, and I was pleasantly surprised. The storyline is typical, but the film holds up better than a lot of early 80s "adult" comedies. Maybe that's because teenagers are basically the same from generation to generation. Either way, I must admit, if you are of the younger generation and think the late 90s spate of teen comedies was the BEGINNING of this genre, you probably won't be too amused by The Last American Virgin. It's simply not as gross. For example, the pie scene from American Pie would have been way over the line for 1982. Still, if you are in the 29-35 range, and you have fond memories of being a teenager in the first half of the Reagan era, you will enjoy The Last American Virgin. The soundtrack is straight from one of those "Biggest Hits Of The 80s" compilations, and the film seems kind of sweet and innocent by today's standards.
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