What Happened To Ian McKellen ?
23 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
DYING DAY is another story from ITV`s ARMCHAIR THRILLER series . It revolves around a gentleman called Anthony Skipling ( Played by Ian McKellen - No I don`t know what became of his acting career either ) who befriends a man on a train . This man is a total anorak who likes to record sounds of nature " Badgers farting . Fascinating " . Mr Anorak gets off the train at the station . Moments later there`s a tapping on the train window and Mr Skipling turns to see Mr Anorak clawing at the window with his eyes gouged out


Mr Anorak leaves behind an audio tape which Skipling plays only to find out that there`s a murder plot involved . He goes to the police to inform them of a murder at the train station but the police investigation finds no evidence of this . Worse when Skipling plays the audio tape to the detectives the murder plot has been erased . Another character is introduced into the story ( Sorry but I forgot what his name was ) who seems to be stalking Skipling who over the course of the 4 half hour episodes is becoming more and more insane . In the final episode Skipling snaps and pushes his supposed stalker under a train .

I don`t know why I typed in major spoilers ahead because it becomes fairly obvious as to where DYING DAY is heading early on . It turns out Mr Anorak isn`t actually dead and has used his " murder " and audio tape to make Skipling appear as a deluded man in order to kill the man who is " stalking " Mr Skipling with the story ending with Skipling in a lunatic asylum talking to camera . It`s very contrived just like all the other stories under the ARMCHAIR THRILLER banner and is probably only worth seeing if you`re interested in watching Sir Ian Mckellen when he had to slum it as an actor
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