The Revenge of the Cicada-Man
17 June 2004
****SPOILERS**** The best I can make out of this bloody mess of a movie is that a while ago a religious lunatic, Lionel Curwin, in the town of Nioba Mississippi found his wife Sarah and the towns "Nature Boy" Bobby Conners in bed together. Lionel murdered Sarah and locked "Nature Boy" Bobby Conners in his basement and fed him Sarah for dinner. Later with the help of the town undertaker Dexter Ward, Luke Asks, Curwin supplied Bobby a study diet of human flesh that, with him being locked up, drove Bobby insane. All this was all covered up by the judge of the town of Nioba Judge Curwin,Bruce Gordon, Lionel's brother.

Years later in a breakout from the basement Bobby killed Lionel and then while out in the woods found a stranded motorist Caroline MacCleary, Bibi Besch, who's husband Eli, Ronny Cox, was away looking for help, and raped her. It later turned that Bobby went back to the Lionel Curwin home and shortly died there.

Caroline later became pregnant and gave birth to Michael, Paul Clemens, who in reality in this movie was Bobby Conners reincarnated. Michael like a Cicada insect who after 17 years started to morph into a new Bobby a monstrous like creature and began to go out at night to kill all those in the town of Nioba who did him in.

Ridicules movie thats almost incomprehensible to follow due to the many sub-plots as well as plot-holes in the film that make no sense at all if you really sit down and think the movies bizarre story-line. Michael also becomes involved romantically with a local girl Amanda Platt, Kitty Moffat, who's father Horace is not only a double-murder, who killed his wife and her lover, but got away with it by being Judge Curwin relative. Horace was also involved in the torturing and ultimate death of Micheal's former incarnation "Nature Boy" Bobby Conners.

In a short time Michael goes on a gory rampage and murders against all the people involved in his suffering as Bobby Conners including Judge Curwin, who he decapitated, but ends up getting shot to death by his mother Caroline when Michael is just about to kill his father Eli!

Meanwhile the person whom Michael raped Amanda, and who's father Horace was one of those that he killed, had in fact impregnated her with himself who's, the coming blessed event, now well on his, or its, way to be born in and start the ball rolling all over again.

This movie is for the birds, or better yet for the insects, with one of the craziest stories you'll ever see on the big or little screen. It's a good thing that those who made "The Beast Within" never got around to make "The Beast Within part II".
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