Knight Rider (1982–1986)
An awesome series
24 April 2003
I just saw what another guy had written about this series and I must say he is so far wrong on this subject and is probably not even from the era of the Knight Rider, A-Team, Airwolf, Magnum PI, Simon and Simon, MacGyver, and Harcastle and McCormick. All of the shows listed above are some of the best shows ever in the history of TV and how anyone has the audacity to sit here and type in a bunch of drivvle and say that Knight Rider had bad actors, bad stunts, and bad filming shows to me they know nothing about the show. The only problem Knight Rider had was, it was way ahead of its time. Knight Rider was a lot like KITT it was the show of the future. Now I will go on and defend Kinght Rider like any true fan would. David Hasselhoff may not have been one of the best actors, but none-the-less he is a fairly decent actor. In turn, the KITT car was a real Pontiac and at times it was a dumb car, most people know this stuff, however this is a TV show not real life, so if it may have seemed fake in manner, then maybe you should sell your TV and sit in your house like a bored bump on a log. My rating for Knight Rider is 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.
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