7 July 2002
The second film for "The 80s Freling Compilations of Looney Tunes," I will start by saying that reviewing a part of this dusty trilogy that sports a bad idea and overall mixed results; The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie is kind of a hard film to review it. Alas, I will review it.

I will be serious about reviewing it, because there is really nothing funny to say while reviewing this film. Just to tell ya.

Well first of all, it doesn't keep up to my attention well. I mean, there is nothing majorly wrong with the way it keeps with your attention span, but it is almost boring because of it. I think it is because the plot is a bit weak. I mean, most of the movie takes place in a ceremony were Looney Tunes characters are honored, or something. I kind of forgot the plot, I haven't seen the film for a couple of years.

Well, as much as I remember, it starts off with a 10 minute short, which ends with a brief narration by Bugs Bunny (the voice of Mel Blanc, of couse) which went by the lines of "..he got an Oscar, but as for me, I got a carrot."

It then fades out to a flashy looking theater where the aforementioned ceremony is to be held. It cleverly looks like some spoof of Oscar night. All the Looney Tunes characters (well, almost all) walk out of their sleek, huge limos and walk around in pianist-esque tuxedos.

Now with the film ceremony beginning, the old shorts start to reel. Trouble happens. The awards for the ceremony start.

Yes it sounds like a troubled plot, right? It partially is to begin with, but not remembering 50% of it doesn't help at all, actually it kinda subtracts the quality. Man do I need to see it again, if only I could find my copy of it.

Well, the old shorts are pretty good, and without a single doubt the best part of the film. They aren't up to the classic material of something like What's Opera, Doc? or Duck Amuck, but they are competent and amusing. I mean, this one has the Oscar-winning Birds Anonymous, the amusing Hare Trimmed, and the fairly well known High Diving Hare. Very good batch, and adds high points for me.

Since the shorts are good, what else is good? Well, the humor is good, of course; so let's skip that. The editing. The editing is some of the best in the whole trilogy of these Friz Freling films, which still isn't saying much, as it always was good in these films. And Freling manages to keep the spirit of the old shorts alive.

So it is a film with plenty of good points but still includes a few points that kind of hurt the quality. It is overall a competent film and highly watchable. Taking away the Looney Tunes shorts however, and replace them with anything else, the film is nothing. It really more focuses on showing competent Looney Tunes shorts than anything else, and that is why it would be nothing without them.

Plot-5/10, Shorts-8/10, Idea-4/10, Editing-10/10, Directing-7/10, Humor-8/10, New bits-6/10. Overall-7/10

It could have a better plot and more new scenes, but it gives what is needed. Just make sure you have a very good attention span.
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