Review of Caveman

Caveman (1981)
Funny little gem of a film....
8 October 2001
I just happened upon CAVEMAN (1981) while filpping through some of the pay per-view channels this afternoon. I must say I was pleasantly surprised...I haven't seen much of Ringo Starr as an actor over the years, but after seeing this film, it's a shame he didn't to a lot more...he is near perfect in the lead role of Atouk, the scatterbrained leader of a group of misfit cavemen. There is next to no dialogue, just a lot of exagerrated facial expressions, and grunts! It's really great! Barbara Bach is absolutely gorgeous on screen, and has to rank up there with Tanya Roberts in Sheena (1984)as on of my all time favorite silver screen pre-historic babes...Dennis Quaid, and Shelly Long make early big-screen appearances here, and Quaid shows flashes of what is to come....also, the big lug of a guy who plays Atouk's rival, I'm not sure who the actor is, puts in a good performance as well... The story is a simple one, about a group of misfit cavemen trying to cope with the world around them, and the special effects, by Dave Allen and friends are truly wacky, and make the film (my favorite's are the giant fried egg scene, and the doped-up dinosaur) If you happen on this film, or see the VHS tape for $9.99 or so, pick it up. If you're a fan of over the top, wacked out comedies, you'll get a few kicks out of this one....
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