A massive insult masquerading as entertainment
27 April 2004
Quite possibly the worst picture ever made, but has stiff competition from 'Cannonball Run II'. Like the 'Cannonball' movies, it has a roll call of notables (for its time) but plays like a fraternity house home movie that's amusing only to the people who appeared in it. Former pro football player Terry Bradshaw is featured prominently and is a perfect fit for this film. A harum-scarum comic chase, but without any thrills or laughs, the entire movie falls in lockstep with Bradshaw's hootin' and hollerin' country-fried yahoo persona. You have much better things to do with your time than this. This movie is two hours out of your life that you will never have back again. This movie will leave skidmarks on your TV screen and I don't mean from car tires.
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