Interesting idea but....
5 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead...

There's no denying the idea was good and the ladies look positively lovely. However, this film is clearly intended to be a pilot (no pun intended) for a TV series, perhaps a WWII version of Charlie' Angels.

While set in England, the film was quite clearly made in California. The house the heroines live in is not typical of a British country house. The leader of the group, points to a map of England and says, "We're here", pointing clearly to somewhere north of Birmingham. Later on, during a bombing raid, the girls say, "oh, Portsmouth is getting it again" or something similar. Being based somewhere like Derby, how would they know!! The use of stock footage is rather surprising, particularly from the classic movie/documentary, "The Battle of Britain" and others.

All that said, the chopper flying sequences are quite good. And there's some reasonable excitement with machine guns, grenades and fights with the evil Nazis.
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