This Dracula should have been staked
19 November 2001
It's not often that you find a movie vigorously contending for the coveted, "Worst in it's own Genre" award, but if there is such an award, then that would have to go, hands down, to Dracula's Last Rites.

Low budget horror films are a staple of the genre, and films such as Dead Alive, Bad Taste, Evil Dead, and Halloween have proven that it can be done with style. Dracula's Last Rites, on the other hand, show that low budget horror films can also be done without style, taste, substance, and with actors more wooden than Pinocchio.

To summarize this film, vampires in a small Mid-Western town take up residence in the local mortuary where they stage "accidents" to cover up for their bloody thirsts. Some unintenionally funny moments arise when the mother of the hero is bitten and turned into a vampire - badly fitted vampire teeth and poor make-up gives her a startling resemblance to Roddy McDowall in a fright wig, and her acting "skills" only serve to egg on the fits of laughter.

As a camp film, Dracula's Last Rites cannot be rated any higher than 2.5 out of 5, while as a straight horror film, it drops off any measurable scale.
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