This movie, forever changed my view on the horror genre!
29 May 2004
The Changeling is one of those movies that sort of lives on the back shelf of the movie stores' horror section. I am a huge horror movie fan but I do not usually find a movie that is actually really scary. I have tried for a very long time to find a movie to watch that will put a chill in my bones and give me goosebumps, and although that sounds very cliché it is true. This movie achieved that goal, I was freaked out and it made me think. Usually the only thinking I do when I watch horror movies is to try to figure out why the masked manic has an issue with the campers. I love those movies too, but The Changeling challenged my mind and that made it even more scary. I would suggest this movie to anyone who would like to see a real scary movie....but be warned this is not a movie to watch alone! :)

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