Review of The Promise

The Promise (1979)
This one will engage your emotions
10 February 2001
I first saw this movie on TV about 15 years ago. It has haunted me ever since, in part because of the story itself, and in part because the editors bungled their job and nearly destroyed what could have been a truly great film. What they gave us instead is a good film with a great story line. It is that story, along with the acting ability of Kathleen Quinlan and Steven Collins, that saves the film. If you have not read Danielle Steele's adaptation of the original screen play, do so. It will fill in some of the answers to the questions left open by the insensitivity of the film's editors.

This is a love story, and a good one, about two individuals whose love for each other is pure and true and ultimately stands the test of both time and tragedy. If that makes it syrup, then so be it. I like it. I wish I could get a DVD edition of this movie.

A movie does not have to be full of vulgar language and gratuitous sex to be good; it doesn't have to be filled with blood and guts and action sequences; and thank God this one has none of the above. Without resorting to the seamer side of life, this story will engage your emotions and embed itself in your mind and your soul, leaving an impression that can last a lifetime. This alone is enough to make it a movie worth two hours of your time.

If you have not seen this movie, try to find a copy of it. After viewing it, I think you will agree that this movie has been underrated by the IMDB rating system.
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